In response to my previous commenters, I am 100% grateful for very capable doctors and nurses who made sure my baby was ok. I feel so blessed to have had them and even though it was so hard for me, would not have wanted Lincolnto have come home a second earlier than it was save for him to do. This is just a record of how I felt throughout my experience.
So after being told he had to go back in the heat for 2 to 5 days we really didn't know what to do. I really couldn't live at the hospital anymore and we certainly didn't want to drive back and forth to Idaho Falls every day or a couple times a day. It was then that the doctor finally mentioned the possibility of transferring him to Rexburg and something about the hospital paying the transfer costs! Could that really be true?
The doctor didn't want to get our hopes up because they usually only did it if the patient would be staying for at least a week more and Lincoln might not need to stay that long. But he said he'd contact them and do what he could. This was day 5 in Idaho Falls and even that long was hard to manage when your home is a half hour away.
Meanwhile the social worker/insurance lady came by to talk to us about the financial side of things and what our insurance will and will not cover. As hard as it was to add financial stress I'm so glad we knew where we stood. In my opinion it's always better to know than wonder. She told us there was no way our insurance would pay for a transfer because it was not medically needed. So we really needed to make a decision without getting our hopes up. I told her I would talk to Doug about it.
The next thing I knew she was calling me, with this sweet cheerful voice, saying the other hospital will pay! I was so relieved I just broke down crying. This was an amazingly huge blessing. They had already dispatched the ambulance and he would be transferred within a few hours. Doug was home teaching lessons, so my mom came to pick me up! We were so happy in the midst of everything bad there had been so much good! And I think this good news gave me what I needed to get through another few days in the incubator.
The next thing I knew we were at the new hospital settling into a new routine, space, doctor, and nurses. I was able to come when I needed to do feedings and be home for meals and sleeping. It felt like heaven to be in my own bed! But it was still so heartbreaking leaving Lincoln in the hospital over and over.
Still on Day 5, when we arrived they asked about the feeding tube he had in. I proceeded to tell them about one nurse who insisted on having the feeding tube. That she had to know how much Lincoln was eating and that I couldn't just trust he was getting enough with nursing. It was this same nurse who didn't notice his IV had blown in is little arm and tried IVs in both feet and blew one in his head befor finally getting one to take in his head. It was so traumatizing for us! Luckily I was not there a this all took place, but Doug was. then once she got the IV in place she put the feeding tube down and did a gavage feeding but was too impatient to wait and just shoved the food through the tube. This resulted in Lincoln vomiting it all up just seconds after she did it. Oh my poor baby! It is a good thing I wasn't there!! I think they would've had another patient on their hands! Needless to say we did not see that nurse gain after talking with a supervising nusre.
Anyways, it was the one and only time he used the feeding tube, and we really didn't think he needed it. All he did was pull on it. The doctor didn't see a real need in it either so the first order of business was to pull that sucker out! It has got to be so nice to have something
Days 5-8 consisted of incubator time, feedings, kangaroo care, and sponge baths. I think my favorite thing was going in feeding then closing the curtains, dimming the lights and cuddling my little guy skin to skin for a whole hour! They had a great reclining camp chair thingy from cabelas and it aw some of the best nap time I got! Lincoln was so tiny he hardly needed to be held. He would just cuddle up in a ball with his little hand resting on mine or Dougs chest. Such sweet time that I would probably have missed out on at home. It was so special and peaceful. for both of us.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Life in the NICU: Part 2
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Life in the NICU: Part 1
You never expect your child to be in the NICU, and you certainly hope that if they are there, they won't have to stay long. Here are the ups and downs we experienced with Lincoln in the NICU for 13 days.
For some reason it never crossed my mind that I should be worried for our little guy. When my water broke I didn't once think that anything would be wrong or what a 34 weeker could have problems with. I guess I was just a little naive, braindead,unrealistic....uneducated? I don't know what to call it haha. But I really didn't think to expect anything bad. (I suppose that was a wonderful blessing so I could focus on getting our baby here as relaxed and quickly as possible. If I had been freaking out about how he would be once he got here...well I'm not sure things would've went so well.)
When the Nurse Practicioner asked me whether I'd like to speak with the pediatricians or the neonatologist I was kind of taken aback. She told us that he would definitely be taken to the NICU and that we had the option to choose who would see our baby. Even then I was kind of in denial that he would need to be there but of course we wanted the best for our baby so let's go with the neonatologist.
The neonatologist came to talk to us and even as she was telling us all that we should expect and things that could go wrong I didn't feel any trepidation. I'm so thankful for the spirit and it's guidance in my feelings through this all. I'm not sure how Doug was feeling, but as I think back on it I should have been freaked out!
When little Lincoln was born he was whisked away very quickly and the next time I saw him he was hooked up to all kinds of monitors and sitting in an incubator. Even so he looked so perfect. The nurses who took care of him were so impressed with the little guy. He was doing so well they seemed very surprised and of course optimistic. Here's a little warning for those who have NICU experience n the future. Ask everyone to be as realistic as possible. Even downright pessimistic! In my experience being pleasantly surprised its time for you to take your baby home is waaaaay better than the alternative, which is what we experienced.
From the beginning I feel they were too optimistic, too misleading, getting our hopes way too high. The nurse practitioner was saying things like, "As long as his blood cultures come back fine, you're out of here. In like 4 days and that's amazing for a 34 weeker!". That is where I started expecting things. Where I began putting so much weight on the 'So when do you think he'll go home ' answer.
Looking back, that was the most horrible thing the nurses and doctors could have done for me. 5 times I was told a date he would be out of there. 5 times I was told sorry, not yet. 5 times my heart felt like it was being ripped out because I was leaving the hospital once again without my precious baby. It was truly the most terrible thing I have ever experienced.
But I must also look for all of the wonderful blessings along the way! Lincoln seriously was doing amazing and gave them every reason to be optimistic. While we were at EIRMC we made the walk every 3 hours to feed him. He was soo soo good about nursing right from the beginning. Most 34 weekers or even NICU babies never establish nursing. By day three the only thing we were waiting for was a good result on his blood cultures. That means there wasnt a single thing wrong with him at that point.
Well the blood cultures came back looking great, but wouldn't you know it, the jaundice hit hard right before we got the results. So into the uv lights he went. Lincon sure rocked those sunshades :) He had a wonderful time hanging out in the lighs for two days. At the end of day 4 his bilirubin levels were dramatically decreased and he came out of the lights. I was living at the hospital at this point, while Doug and my mom were back and forth from Rxburg to Idaho Falls. I just couldn't go home without Lincoln!
Wouldntyou know it! After spending so much time under the eat of the lights our little guy got a little lazy and stopped regulating his own temperature. I was devastated at this 2nd time of being told he wouldn't be going home but that he would need to go back in the incubator for anywhere from 2 to 5 days! It was then that I felt I had reached my breaking point! Could we really stand even one more day?
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Introducing Lincoln Douglas Hansen
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
2nd Trimester
Getting Ready for Baby!
Man I'm Bad!
Yes I fell off of my good blogging streak. Can I come up with any excuses? Most definitely. Do I think it is sad I only got 3 consecutive weeks in a row? You bet! But sadly the time is gone and I can't get it back so I will just start again and try to be more diligent :).
As for my goals, they are still going good. Not as well as they could go but I'm giving myself a break. I've had so many things going on I feel good that I'm still very conscious of the kind of exercise I'm getting in, our finances, and I have a to do list every day! So I'll have a few posts of catch up and try to continue on with my accountability posts :). We'll see how it goes.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
20 Weeks and It's a.......
Valentine's Pics
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Girl or Boy?
In exactly one week from tomorrow we will know if we are having a girl or a boy. We don't feel strongly it is one or the other and will be excited no matter which it is! So what do you all think? You better put your bets down now! :). I really just want to know what everyone else thinks it is haha!
Week 3
Goal 1 - To tell the truth I was horrible at exercising this last week! Ugh I don't know what happened....Ok....Well I guess I know exactly what happened. After cross country skiing last Saturday, a drive to and back to Twin Falls Sunday, and a good housecleaning Monday... let's just say that I lost all energy to exercise! Then it was Valentines so I made the excuse not to exercise. I did get 2 days in last week and took burley for a long walk around the park for about an hour. So I guess I'm being a little hard on myself but this week will be much better.
Goal 2 - I'm still going strong with my lists. I now want to do better at adding something more each day. I haven't worked on projects at home lately and put it off, because I know I will probably go sewing Wednesday nights and very often on Monday mornings. But I find I have time that I'm wasting still. So my first project was to finish the two books I was reading. Got them both done and now Im all caught up for book club. Next project, finish that puzzle sitting upstairs!!
Goal 3 - Still doing lovely with being mindful of the budget. Unfortunately unexpected things always have to happen. Like our white car breaking down and having problems! So we are assessing the damage it will do to us this month. We are doing so good I had no problem telling Doug, 'Sure! Go snowboarding! We can afford it!'. after he said, 'Well I'd love to go, but you know it is $50.'. And the even better part? He ended up getting a lift ticket for $25 because someone had an extra and Doug happened to be in the right place at the right time. So I'm still feeling good.
- Valentines! Oh I do love valentines day! My husband is too sweet, we get to much yummy chocolate, and I love celebrating our relationship. Doug got me beautiful flowers, not red roses, but a mixed bouquet that I loved! Unfortunately my camera is up at the in-laws and I can't post our pics.
- We got to drive and see our beautiful niece blessed. She is growing too quickly and we miss them so much! It was totally worth the 6 hours in the car in one day drive. Yes my back was mighty sore and stiff (the skiing the day before didn't help too much). But like I said totall worth it.
- Monday I deep cleaned our kitchen cupboards and drawers. Everything got disinfected and reorganized. And it is clean! Im so glad I accomplished this big one! I figured after living in this house for 5's about time that was done!
- We found out our awesome cousins who have been waiting and waiting, were able to have their son born on Friday 10th, just before we went to Twin. They flew to NY to wait for their birth moms doctor to give the go-ahead for the birth. And their son is beautiful!! We were so happy to hear that everything went well, baby is healthy, and birthmom is doing great, and they were able to come home this last weekend. It is a wonderful miracle and blessing in their lives and I can't wait to see him at her shower!!
- Another highlight to everyday is feeling my own baby a little more and more! But I'll give this topic a whole post to itself!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Week 2
1- I must say I am going to be the most in shape I've been in years! And all while I'm pregnant??! Haha I am loving it! I didn't exercise my full routine everyday this week because my back was killing me on Wed & Thursday. But I did exercise everyday! Woohoo!
2- Still loving and rocking my lists! I was talking to my dad and mom the other day on facetime. I told them about my new To-Do list kind of living and my dad said, "A goal not written down is just a dream." So true. And I do find that when I don't make my list 1st thing in the morning I rarely do what I have already thought through. It just helps to write it down.
3- Finances are looking better all of the time. We decided to cancel a few things that we have been paying that we really don't use. We cut almost $100 out of our monthly spending and it's gonna help savings so much! We did decide to go out to dinner for V-day and I bought some yummy stuff to make, but we are still sitting good on our budget :). See we can still have such fun AND save money!
- I got my blinds cleaned this week! It was one of the big things on my long list of bigger To-Dos! It took a while (and may have been the activity that set off my achy back) but I was so happy when I got done!! I'm glad, glad, glad to have clean windows and blinds to look out of.
- I had tons of fun sewing with one of my besties! She is only about a month farther along than me and we sew almost weekly. I made a bunch of reusable wipes a few weeks ago, and this week we worked on making reusable nursing pads! She had all of this super absorbent fabric and we mostly got the circles cut out. So I'll update when we finish them this week. I'm excited :).
- Doug and I started celebrating Valentines this weekend. I decided to make him something special every day of the weekend, including today and tomorrow. He has a young mens thing on Valentines so we decided to do our 'Go-Out' date on Friday. We ate yummy food and I made a fancy cake (I'll post pictures later).
- Saturday we decided to go cross country skiing. It is a little tradition of ours I guess you could say. Normally we rent a little cabin somewhere in Island Park, stay one night and cross country ski the next day at Harriman. But we decided we should save money. So we just took a drive Saturday after a yummy breakfast. And we got to bring Burley with us (another plus to NOT staying in a cabin). Burley loved it. It was beautiful and sunny, and unfortunately I forgot my camera. Boo! Oh well we had a blast!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Week 1
So this week actually turned out really well in terms of my goals! Here's how I did plus a few highlights of my week.
Goal 1- I exercised everyday (except Sunda)! And I am really feeling great! I find that when I exercise I have a better nights sleep, and I tend to crave the more healthy foods. And that's always a plus!!
Goal 2- To Do lists are my new best friend. I have been so much more organized each day. I find a lot more satisfaction in he daily tasks that need to be done when I make them my purpose. And I don't end up beating myself up at the end of the day when I feel like I accomplished nothing! My house is so much more clean and organized, and it doesn't get to the overwhelming stage when everything needs to be done and I have no idea where to start. I am doing better at little goals I set because they get put on the list and I love to do them just to cross them off!!
It was interesting in R.S. this week someone shared a comment. We were talking about finding our purpose in life and using our Agency to accomplish our purpose. And about how Satan tends to put road blocks in our way, one of them being that we get bored with the daily mundaneness of our tasks as wife and mother. Then this sister shared a comment that went something like this. "When we have daily tasks to accomplish I find that making the task at hand my purpose in life at that moment keeps me motivated, happy, and I even find joy in the task. We talked about finding our bigger purpose in life, but I think we accomplish that bigger purpose by making our scope more focused in smaller purposes throughout our day.". I loved how that applied to my to do listing and found I have been so happy to accomplish tasks this past week. The dishes werent daunting any more. My bed was made every single day! And in the morning right when I got out of it! I'm just loving this Goal number 2!!
Goal 3- Ohh we are doing so good! A week into Feb and we already found three things to cut out of our budget to save money. Plus I did my first of two shopping visits under budget and with full lists. Our household items were written down and purchased along with grocery shopping! That's a first! Haha but I have felt so good and in control with our finances.
We also did our taxes, which ended up not to be as big of a blow as we expected. With both of us teaching lessons we always find we owe the government so much and we didn't do as well setting aside money for taxes as we would have liked. But with all of our medical expenses, plus business expenses we find we owe less than we even expected. So we have a new goal to add into our planned shopping visits and snowballing payments. Our new goal is to pay taxes quarterly for our music lessons. Then we won't have a big chunk to pay when taxes come around, and who knows we may even get a return with a new child entering our family. That'll be a first! So we are saving saving saving!
Our weeks highlights!
- It was a busy week with almost something every night for Doug, so I worked hard to get dinners ready early and we had some good meals together. I love at least having the time to sit down at dinner and talk, even just for a half hour. Meals were a highlight this week.
- Doug had parent teacher conference which means he had Friday off! I had a Let's Play Music meeting Friday morning, but then we stayed in all afternoon and did our taxes! So fun I know haha.
- We played games with some friends Saturday night and had a blast! We love getting together with friends and I always wonder why we wait so long to do it again. So I'll try to plan the next game night over at our place!
- Burley got a bath and turned into a beautiful smelling puffball! Haha his hair is so long and he is always so fluffy after I dry him, I just love it.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Looking Down!!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Trying to be better!!
Lately we have had a lot of focus on Goals. What with the New Year and resolutions, and a whole month dedicated to the topic of goals in Church, I began feeling a little guilty. A lot of the time my goals tend to fizzle out after a day or two. I mean I am feeling pretty good when I can say I did something every day of the week! Then I usually let it drop soon after! I know I am not the only one who has this problem, but sometimes I wonder why I can't find the motivation!
Well today in church, one of our Bishopric members shared a quote that stated we needed to be accountable to someone for our goals. And the light popped on! I have such a hard time because yeah I know I should try harder.....but sometimes it's just so easy to pretend like I didn't even have that goal! So here is me being accountable :). I have three goals that I am going to report on every week. It will help me be a better blogger, and even if no one is reading this, it will help me to report to someone!
Goal 1 - Exercise! I would really like to have a healthy and fit pregnancy. I want to feel good and stay active. Of course I don't want to gain numberless pounds that will be so hard to shed!! Exercising will help me feel better throughout my pregnancy, have a smoother delivery, and whip back into shape more easily. I have a lot more time in the mornings and did pretty darn good for about a week and a half. I know I can do it, I have done it, so I have no excuse! I have a prenatal pilates program that I love, love, love too! So I will report back weekly on how my morning exercise routine went.
Goal 2 - To Do Lists! I have found that I am so productive and manage my time so well when I make a little list. They help me accomplish my tasks so efficiently that I can't imagine why I don't use them more. Plus lists should help me accomplish other goals, right? So every day I want to make use of my to dos! I'll let ya know how it goes :).
Goal 3 - Become More Money Smart/Debt Free! Doug and I have made this goal together and really come up with some great ways for us to be more conscientious of how we spend our money. I wouldn't say we are bad with money, or rack up the credit card debt like there is no tomorrow. For the most part we are pretty frugal spenders. We talk to each other before we spend money and have a budget that we rarely go over. But we aren't making much progress in the long term savings or becoming debt free area. So we have come up with some ways to make it happen rather than just talking about it.
We are going to balance our budget every week so we know where we are at. I don't check whether I am under budget for household items before I run to Walmart for shampoo, or vacuum bags. I never make a list of household shopping items, which means we usually run to the store when something pops in our heads, which results in mindless purchases that can rack up the total amount we spent. So in order to be more on top of knowing where we are at, we will look each week at the budget, and make a list for things we need or are running low on. That way I will get those items with my bi-monthly grocery shopping trips. Cuts down on gas, time, and mindless spending.
Another thing we are going to try is putting the credit card and debit card away when we reach our limit on the budget. We never use the credit card without paying it in full each month, so in a lot of ways it is just like using our debit or checks. However we both said that we never think twice about pulling it out to swipe it, even when we have no idea if we are over or under our allotted budget. So in the spirit of the cash system, Its gone when it's gone! We may even find that we never have to put the cards away, because we are more mindful of our budget.
And the last thing is the snowball effect. Many people use some variation of this technique and it really is the most effective for debt reduction. After all of our bills are paid, tithing is separated, and savings are transferred, we will use whatever is left over to pay extra on our smallest debt amount. Once that debt is paid off we will snowball its old payment amount into the payment of our next lowest debt. And before you know it you slash your debt with a power payment plan from hades!
So with being more conscientious of our spending habits, we should be saving more per month, and having extra for debt reduction! We will see how well the plan goes and I am super excited to get started. I feel empowered just thinking about knowing better where we stand with our finances before I run to the store. And knowing that we will always have that savings for a rainy day or emergencies is a wonderful thing!
So my little bloggy world, here's to keeping me accountable! I'm sure you will help to keep me in check and my goals on track!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Through the 1st Trimester!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Christmas Vacation!!
I'm trying to get caught up on blogging!! Especially because I know it will never happen once the baby is here. So here are the highlights of our Christmas 2011!